Mild Cognitive Impairment: Here’s what to look out for
Mild cognitive impairment or MCI, as it is sometimes referred to, is the term used to describe the transitionary period between healthy mental aging and the onset of dementia according to sources. Further research also suggests that MCI is different from normal aging and mental development but is also different from conditions like Alzheimer’s.
Though there are studies being conducted on methods to reverse MCI, it is important to know how to recognize basic symptoms as well as learn how to navigate the condition. This brings us to the question; what to look out for if you suspect an elderly relative or loved one might be developing mild cognitive impairment?
Keeping an Eye Out for MCI in an Elderly Loved One
To make things simple, expert opinion suggests that mild cognitive impairment involves a slight deterioration of basic decision making abilities as well as thinking skills.
Memory Troubles
Here’s what this could look like. A senior loved one or elderly family member who may have previously been quite alert, may slowly start forgetting things. This is not just little things but more relevant information such as important dates, facts, personal information and even names. Other things they may forget could include details of conversations, even those that are recent, and other information that may have not been difficult to recall in the past.
Decision Making
Apart from the symptoms above, the elderly person in question might begin to start making poor decisions. Decisions could include those that come off as rash, impulsive and even overly naive or unreasonable.

Seeking Diagnosis
What’s important is to remember is that unless you’re a trained professional like a specialized doctor, you will not be able to tell whether or not your senior loved one is struggling with MCI for certain. If, however, you do observe what we have mentioned above and the same seems to be chronic, it is important to take your loved one in for diagnosis by a medical professional.
Care for seniors with MCI
If your senior loved one is struggling with MCI, it is advisable to provide them with additional care and support. Remember, MCI is something that can be delayed and even reversed so don’t lose hope.
At the same time, living with MCI can be risky and treatment requires consistency and access to the right professionals. If you do have a senior loved one in your care who is struggling with MCI, you might want to look into our assisted living or even our memory care facilities. We offer seniors suffering from MCI specialized support at our residence including access to trained professionals and 24 hour facilitation.
If you feel caring for a loved one is something you need help with, connect with us immediately and let’s get started.