Steps You Can Take To Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s affects over five million seniors in the US, according to statistics. The causes or triggering factors of Alzheimer’s can be traced back to genetics, health, environment and lifestyle. In any case, living with Alzheimer’s as well as supporting a loved one struggling with the same can be emotionally taxing.
No Harm in Prevention
While there is no guaranteed way to halt or avert the onset of Alzheimer’s, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the risk of developing the same. For those of you who feel their loved ones may be at risk of developing the disease, here are some steps you can take to mitigate the risk of onset.
Keep Your Brain Active
Alzheimer’s in many instances has been observed to set in after individuals retire. Further, this is observed more in those whose retirement comes with a sudden drop in physical and intellectual activity. It is said that the brain is like a muscle that if kept active will continue to thrive.
When it comes to Alzheimer’s, one thing that can help is to keep learning. Don’t stop reading, don’t stop studying, take up a new skill or hobby. The more intellectually active you keep yourself; the more you lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Watch Your Physical Health
There have been many connections made between Alzheimer’s and physical health. Conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and poor circulation are all known to be connected to higher incidents of Alzheimer’s.
If such conditions do exist, treatment should be sought as soon as possible.
Watch What You Consume
Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial to prevention of diseases and health conditions. It is important to pay attention to what you put in your body. Look into a nutritional plan. Eat according to what you need. Make sure you get a balanced supply of nutrients. Don’t consume excessive amounts of fast food or food that has been processed.
If you’re someone who smokes or drinks excessively, quit the habit as both have been connected to earlier development of Alzheimer’s.
Like your intellect, exercising your body is also a good way to slow down and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s. In working on your physical condition, motor-coordination, cognitive skills and stamina, you invariably also work on your focus, concentration and alertness.
Addressing Depression
Depression on its own can be tricky business. It is hard to detect, near impossible to quantify and just as difficult to deal with. Unaddressed or untreated depression however, is also connected to the onset of Alzheimer’s, according to studies. Addressing depression and seeking treatment or therapy may hence be one way of reducing your risks of developing Alzheimer’s.
Specialized Memory Care
Even if mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has set in, there are still ways in which the process of development of full blown Alzheimer’s can be slowed down. One way to do this is via memory care services such as the ones we offer at AvantGarde Senior Living and Memory Care.
Professionals specializing in memory care are equipped with numerous techniques and activities to help our senior loved ones improve memory, focus and concentration among other basic skills.
Winding Down
There is nothing small about Alzheimer’s and those who struggle with it know exactly how immense the task of doing so is. That said, it does not hurt to do what we can to prevent the onset of such an illness and the steps above should be of some help.
If you need more information or support when it comes to caring for an elderly loved one, or are looking for senior housing options in locations like Hollywood, CA, feel free to connect with us immediately.